Whether your electrical personnel require Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) in High Voltage Isolation and Access (HVIA) and Arc Flash Hazard Safety (AFHS), or more generalised industry assistance in testing or systems to improve your plant operation knowledge, our Registered Training Organisation (RTO #40627) Voltex’ Power & Plant Training (PPT) is built on Voltex’ expertise to deliver maximum benefit to your staff and organisation.
Our HV Operator Training includes:
Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) in Arc Flash Hazard Safety (AFHS), for awareness of risks, arc flash minimisation techniques, and how to read and interpret Arc Flash labels for operating boundaries and appropriate PPE. Course suitable for Switching Operators and Management personnel. Available on-line.
Popular courses online for all users, from beginners to more advanced. Save time in SLD modelling, power system analyses, arc flash studies and reports, with this practical course showing you the tips and tricks to simplicity with Auto-Build, Auto-Star coordination, and scenario wizards to easily compare various Voltex’ Power & Plant Training conduct regular training seminars on ETAP modules. Our next ETAP Workshop ETAP114 Power System Analysis WorkshopLocation
Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) in High Voltage Isolation and Access (HVIA) for Switching Coordinators, Switching Operators and Permit Recipients. The course can be customised to include your company and site policies and procedures, with practical application on your own switchgear.
As HV Protection relays evolve into Intelligent Electronic devices (IEDs), both protection design and protection testing and commissioning become more complex. Learn how to coordinate protection schemes and balance the demands of safe and reliable operation. See how logic blocking schemes can minimise disruptions when the utility fault level is limited. Discover the efficient execution of repetitive relay testing schemes by the development and utilisation of test routine
IEC 61850 is the “smart grid” Standard, specifically developed as “Communication networks and systems for power utility automation“. Even though the standard came into existence with the first release in 2004, many engineers involved in Substation Automation Systems often fail to understand the “broadcast” philosophy of the inbuilt protocols sections, and try to treat it like any other automation protocols, sending polling requests tha
SF6 Gas is listed among the Kyoto Protocol greenhouse gases, and as such, emissions are reportable under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008. SF6 Has a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 23,500, which means that every kilogram of SF6 has an impact equivalent to about 23.5 tonnes of CO2. Learn how to safely manage SF6 gas, during the filling of equipment, extraction for maintenance or decommissioning, and minimise greenhouse gas emissions.