As your trusted HV Electrical Engineering Consultants, Voltex Power Engineers provide expertise in HV Power Systems and Earthing Design, equipment specifications and technical manuals, and power systems studies and analyses. We will second personnel to be your power project managers or client engineers for design review and witness testing.
Voltex Power Engineers assist clients with HV installation testing and commissioning, including protection schemes, and all aspects of renewable energy project grid connections.
Correct equipment specification is critical to every power project. HV switchboards and circuit breakers must be able to withstand the short circuit rating of the supply in order to protect against the worst conditions in the event of a fault without failure. Protection schemes must both protect all connected cables and equipment and also allow normal loads, starting and inrush currents to ensure reliable operation without nuisance tripping. In the event of a fault, prot
Power System studies may include Protection Coordination studies, Load Flow and Short Circuit analysis, Arc Flash Safety analysis, and more complex scenarios such as Transient analysis for stability, and Harmonic analysis for power quality. Power System and Protection Coordination studies are not limited to greenfield sites. Sporadic plant expansion or upgrades over many years with no new protection coordination design often result in overloaded feeders, inappropriate se
Your site or plant inevitably relies on a safe and reliable supply of electrical energy. If you are a large consumer, then you will likely be an HV Customer. HV Power Systems Design requires much more specialist skills and knowledge than LV power systems alone. HV equipment has long lead times, and if selected equipment has been incorrectly ordered or under-designed, then the ramifications for your project are potentially drastic for schedules and costs. Voltex Power Eng
The Voltex Group assist Project or Asset Managers of large power systems to deliver certainty of outcomes that meet quality, timing and price objectives. We tell you what you need to know, NOT what you might want to hear. Where there may be projects or plants in distress, due to unclear scope, team dysfunction or misaligned culture, we assist in replacing these with clearly defined outcomes, and teams that are efficient, effective, autonomous and integrated, through a su
Power systems and energy markets in Australia and overseas are undergoing rapid transformational change. Renewable Energy projects have seen numerous participants, EPCMs, subcontractors and investors flee the renewables market due to significant losses and delays. Voltex Power Engineers’ GC4 program provides a total solution for Scheduled and Semi-Scheduled Intending or Market Participants in the Australian National Energy Market (NEM).