Voltex Power Engineers (VPE) are QLD Accredited Safety Management Systems Auditors, and also HV Auditors and Hazardous Area (EEHA) Auditors.
Our Asset Management Programs can ensure your compliance with standards and regulations, and provide best-practice maintenance and assessment of your critical electrical assets, for energy efficiency, reliability and risk mitigation.
Most corporate procurement and legal teams seek to transfer risk to their suppliers or contractors. In reality, all they transfer is the liability for certain risks. If your project is behind schedule, or your production is impacted by compliance or safety management issues, then these risks remain, as does your duty of care and the company’s due diligence obligations. Voltex Power Engineers’ accreditation in Safety Management Systems, HV Auditors and Hazardo
The electrical component of most major projects is typically around 10% by value, yet most companies budget a lot less on the management of their valuable electrical assets – and then throw whatever it takes at crisis management in the event of a breakdown. Let Voltex Power Engineers assist you to best deliver HV Asset Management plans, improve energy management and efficiency, and minimise risks.